–MLA Shakil Aamir
The Leader
The leader who brings change for good, caring for his people and their needs and fighting for them whenever it is needed. Representing the people from Bodhan as MLA, Shakil Aamir is has always been served his people at full strength.

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Janepalli, Nizamabad
Satapur, Nizamabad
Latest News

Bodhan MLA Shakil Aamir arranges 800 oxygen cylinders for COVID-19 patients
Production linked incentive (PLI) scheme is expected to generate 60 lakh new jobs in the country..

Nizamabad: MLA Shakeel launches 'Sweeping Mission'
Bodhan MLA Shakeel on Wednesday sta5ted that rations will be provided through the fair price shop only to those who have been vaccinated. MLA Shakeel launched the sweeping mission on Wednesday in Bodhan town.
An active Indian politician and Member of Legislative Assembly from Bodhan, District Nizamabad, Telangana

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